Sukarno childhood only a few years of living with his parents in Blitar. During elementary school until graduation, he lived in Surabaya, lodger in the house Haji Said Oemar Tokroaminoto, veteran politician Syarikat founder of Islam. Then go back to school in HBS (Hoogere Burger School). While studying at HBS, Sukarno was galvanizing spirit of nationalism. After graduating HBS in 1920, moved to London and continue to THS (Technische Hoogeschool or Engineering High School which is now the ITB). She won the title "Ir" on May 25, 1926.
Then, he formulated and established doctrine Marhaenism PNI (Nationalist Party lndonesia) on July 4, 1927, with the goal of an independent Indonesia. As a result, the Netherlands, put him in jail Sukamiskin Bandung on December 29, 1929. Eight months later a new trial. In his defense titled Indonesia Sue, he showed apostasy Netherlands, a nation that claimed more advanced it.
Dutch defense made more angry. So that in July 1930, PNI was dissolved. After his release in 1931, Sukarno joined Partindo and once led. As a result, he was re-arrested Dutch and exiled to Ende, Flores, 1933. Four years later transferred to Bengkulu.
After going through a long struggle, Bung Karno and Bung Hatta proclaimed Indonesia's independence on August 17, 1945. In the trial BPUPKI dated June 1, 1945, Ir.Soekarno their ideas about the state called Pancasila. Dated August 17, 1945, Ir Sukarno and Drs. Mohammad Hatta proclaimed Indonesia's independence. In the trial PPKI, August 18, 1945 Ir.Soekarno elected by acclamation as the first President of the Republic of Indonesia.
Previously, he also managed to formulate that later became the basis of Pancasila (ideology) of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. He tried to unite the archipelago. Even Sukarno tried to gather the nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America with the Asian-African Conference in Bandung in 1955, which later evolved into Non-Aligned Movement.
G-30-S/PKI uprising spawned intense political crisis that led to rejection of the Assembly on accountability. Instead the Assembly appointed Soeharto as Acting President. His health continued to deteriorate, which on Sunday, June 21, 1970 he died at the army hospital. He was buried in Wisma Yaso, Jakarta and was buried in Blitar, East Java near the tomb of his mother, Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. Government menganugerahkannya as "Proclamation Hero".
Death of the President Seconds Seconds
- Jakarta, Tuesday, June 16, 1970. Intensive care room filled with soldiers Gatot Subroto Army Hospital since morning. Uniformed and armed soldiers on full alert at several strategic points of the hospital. Do not lose much, plainclothes security officers also paced the hospital corridors to the parking lot.
- Since the morning, the atmosphere was noticeably tense. The news that blow said the former president Soekarno will be taken to the hospital from home detention at Wisma Yaso which is only five kilometers away.
- Tonight, the rumors are proved. In the treatment room which is very simple to measure a former president, Sukarno lying weakly in bed. For several days his health is very backward. Throughout the day, people who had once so powerful it kept closing his eyes. Body temperature is very high. Kidney disease is not treated properly increasingly undermined the strength of his body.
- The man who once so manly and authoritative, and therefore many digila-gilai women all over the world, now it is like to live like a corpse. Nothing more handsome face. Now the face is decorated gingsulnya teeth has swollen, a sign that the poison had spread everywhere. Not only swollen, but the hole-perforated like the lunar surface. Her mouth were formerly able to enchant millions of the masses with his speeches were very spectacular, now just pressed together and dried. Intermittently lips trembling. Pain. His hands were formerly able to punch the sky and clawing the air, now lying limp at his sides are increasingly slim.
- Dawn of the Son a matter of time
- Two days later, Megawati, the eldest son of Fatmawati allowed the army to visit his father. Watching his father who lay weak and unable to open his eyes, his eyes shed tears Mega. His lips slowly brought closer to the human ear is most beloved.
- "Sir, sir, is Ega ..."
- Silent.
- Her father did not move. His eyes did not open. But both Sukarno lips have chapped little twitching, trembling, as if to say something to the eldest daughter. Megawati Sukarno seemed to know attendance. But he was unable to open her eyes. His right hand trembled as if he wanted to write something for his oldest daughter, but her body was too weak to just write. His hands droop again. Sukarno was silent again.
- Looking at the fact that Megawati feeling very upset. The tears that had been on hold now drip down. Kian profusely. The young woman covered her nose with a handkerchief. Unable to accept the fact, Megawati away and giddy. Mega immediately being carried out.
- The clock is moving. Outside the room, an army equipped with weapons kept watch.
- At night the body of a Sukarno collapse resistance. He coma. Between life and death. Team doctor immediately provide the necessary assistance.
- The next day, the former vice president Mohammad Hatta was allowed to visit his old colleagues. Hatta, who was accompanied by his secretary Sukarno bedside approach with extreme caution. With all the power of a successful dihimpunnya, Sukarno successfully
opened his eyes. Withstand unspeakable pain, Sukarno said weakly.
- "Hatta .., are you here ..?"
- Its called could not hide her sadness. But Hatta did not want his friends to know that if he is sad. With a vengeance harbored pain that tore the heart, Soekarno Hatta tried to answer properly. A little smile entertaining.
- "Yes, how are you, No?"
- Hatta greeted with the title he used in the past. Her hand gently holding the hand of Sukarno. The heat coursed through her fingers. He wants to give power to the people who really respect this.
- Soekarno lips trembled, suddenly, still weak, she asked the Dutch language. Something they always did when they were both united in Duumvirate. "Hoe gaat het met jou ...?" How are you?
- Hatta forced a smile. His hand still holding the arm of Sukarno.
- Soekarno then sobbed like a child. Mighty man cries in front of fellow comrades, like a baby who lost toy. Hatta no longer able to control his feelings. Defenses collapse. Also spilled tears. Hatta began to cry.
- The two old friends who had parted it holding hands as if afraid of parting. Hatta know, the time available for people who admired it will not be long. And Hatta also know how cruel torment suffered blows his friend. Something that can only be done by people who have no conscience.
- "No ..." was all that could come out of his lips. Hatta was not able to say more. Her lips trembled hold grief once disappointment. His shoulders shook.
- Deep down, Hatta was very angry at the new rulers had the heart to torture the father of this nation. Although political principle among themselves incompatible with Sukarno, but it did not spoil persabatannya such close and sincere.
- Soekarno Hatta still holds the arm when his friend's back closed his eyes.
- The clock is moving. Creeping figures for the numbers. Remaining time for Sukarno increasingly thin.
- A day after meeting with Hatta, Soekarno condition has gotten worse, continues to decline. Son of the Dawn was no longer able to open his eyes. His temperature kept rising. Sukarno is now shivers. Sweat soaked pillow and pajamas. That night Dewi Sukarno and his daughter who was three years old, Karina, was present at the hospital. Sukarno had never seen his son.
- Sunday morning, June 21, 1970. Doctors Mardjono, a member of the presidential medical team as usual did a routine. Together with two paramedics, doctors Mardjono check the condition of these special patients. As a physician who has experience, Mardjono know time will not be long.
- With the utmost care and respect, he checked the pulse of Sukarno. With the rest of the power is still there, Soekarno move his right hand, holding the arm of her doctor. Mardjono feel the heat so high that a very weak hand. Suddenly the hot hand drooped. At that moment Soekarno last breath. His eyes were never able again to open. His body lay motionless. Now for the good.
- The situation around the room very quiet. The air seemed to stop flowing shortly. The usual sounds of birds chirping no sound. Void fraction of a second so gripping. And sad.
- World took off one of his controversial history makers. Many people love it, but many of them hate it. But all agreed, Sukarno was an unusual man. Which is not necessarily born again in a century. Man is now gone.
- Doctor Mardjono immediately summoned all his colleagues, fellow presidential medical team. Shortly thereafter they issued an official statement: Soekarno had died.
The issue in slowly kill
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Ir. Soekarno Biography - The First President Of Republic Indonesia |
Many recipes team of doctors, led by dr. Mahar Mardjono, which can not be exchanged for drugs. There are heaps of recipes in a corner in detention Bung Karno. Recipes to take medication there is never exchanged with the drug. Bung Karno was left sick and thus might be expected by the new authorities in order to accelerate his death.
Demand from Bung Karno team doctor to bring medical equipment from China was banned by President Soeharto. "Even to simply pay for healthcare and treat toothache, need permission from him," he had told Rachmawati Soekarnoputeri.
Words of Wisdom Soekarno
We are a great nation, we are not a nation tempeh. We will not beg, we will not ask for it, especially if it aids diembel embroider this on condition that requirement! Better eat cassava but independent of the eating bestik but slaves. [Speech Anniversary of the Proclamation, 1963]
Great nation is a nation that respects the services of his hero. (10 Nop.1961 Heroes Day Speech)
Struggle easier because repel the invaders, but the struggles will be more difficult because against your own people.
Make this my suffering as a witness, that the power of a president even if there is a limit. Due to the lasting power is the power of the people. And above all is the power of God Almighty.
If someone is still inside there is a sense of shame and fear to do something good, it is a guarantee for the people he meets will not progress a single step.
Nations that do not believe in the power of itself as a nation, can not stand as an independent nation.
Build .......... a world where all nations live in peace and brotherhood ......
Do not think we have all been credited with enough color triangle. As long as there are still mourning in shacks our work done! Fight continues to pour as much-much sweat.
Give me 1000 parents, will undoubtedly semeru I pulled from its roots, give me one youth, will undoubtedly kuguncangkan world
Nobody count: how lucky I got later of the Republic, when I struggled and sacrificed to defend
Do not look into the future with eyes blind! The past is useful to be glass bengala than the future
related with ir soekarno is muhammad hatta more for muhammad hatta biography
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